


If you are someone who is experiencing a medical need, and you’re looking for a community that supports your academic, 社会, 职业发展, esball国际平台客户端 welcomes you to explore your passion in hands-on learning environments. Clarkson has programs spanning engineering, science, and technology to business and healthcare. Our close-knit campus is invested in your long-term success. 

同时鼓励你的动力, 无障碍服务办公室(OAS)在这里为残疾学生提供各种支持服务, 安排住宿, and provide equal access to your academic experience. 美洲国家组织将开发我们的资源, 询问可用的住宿, and advocate for students with disabilities.  Our staff uses an interactive process that involves our students, staff, and faculty.

esball国际平台客户端 the Office of 可及性服务

We provide reasonable accommodations to create an accessible campus for students with disabilities.  参加实习的学生, 合作社, 和实地工作的机会应该与美洲国家组织的工作人员会面,以协调如何将住宿应用于专业环境. OAS与需要住宿和/或餐饮住宿的学生协调,以确保满足学生的需求. OAS reviews disability-related documentation, certifies eligibility for receipt of services, 确定合理的住宿条件, and ensures the provision of those services. 






情感支持动物住宿 Request Form

Resources for Students With Disabilities

Clarkson celebrates all types of individual diversity, including neurodiversity and persons with disabilities. We work to make Clarkson an inclusive environment where all persons have equal access. Learn more about services and accommodations available to guide your success:


In making the transition from high school to college, 审查所有的住宿,为您提供平等的机会esball国际平台客户端的教育计划和实践学习的机会. 查找与入学有关的信息, 请求援助, available support services on campus and submitting documentation.




Understand policies and expectations for students using a service animal on campus, as well as the role of the OAS in facilitating accommodations.

esball国际平台客户端保证平等的教育机会,为符合条件的学生提供住宿和服务,根据联邦法律记录残疾, specifically the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

By federal law, a person with a disability is any person who:

  1. 有身体或精神上的缺陷.
  2. 有这样的损害记录吗.
  3. 是否被认为患有严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动(如行走)的损伤, 站, 看到, 说话, 呼吸, 照顾自己或学习.

For students considering or utilizing the services of OAS:

  • 大约十分之一的esball国际平台客户端学生在OAS注册了残疾援助(与全国所有大学生的平均水平相同)。.
  • 隶属于OAS的esball国际平台客户端学生与他们的同龄人有着相同的学业成功(基于平均成绩).
  • OAS offers temporary disability services to students with unanticipated injuries and needs, 比如脑震荡和手术恢复.
  • All services are provided at no additional charge.

Review our FAQs to learn more about coordinating accommodations through OAS.

大学有责任提供合理的便利,但必须保证这样做不会给大学的运作带来不必要的困难, 项目或活动. If a particular accommodation imposes an undue hardship, 大学将考虑是否有其他不会造成这种困难的住宿. 本政策也适用于有关物理障碍或防止进入的政策和程序的问题. To learn more about Clarkson’s policies related to disabilities, please review the esball国际平台客户端学生条例.


根据1973年康复法案第504条和1990年美国残疾人法案(ADA), 于2008年修订, 无障碍服务办公室为《esball国际平台客户端》规定的合格残疾学生提供平等的教育机会和防止歧视的保障. The ADA defines a person with a disability as any person who:

  • 有身体或精神上的缺陷 that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
  • 有这样的损害记录吗.
  • Is regarded as having such an impairment.

In order for OAS to determine if a student's condition meets the standard defined by the law, an evaluative intake interview will be conducted with the student, and any additional documentation supplied will be reviewed. This interview may occur face-to-face, through video or phone call or via email communication. All decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. 入学面试后所要求的任何额外信息将用于确定当前由残疾引起的功能限制以及在学术或居住环境中的合理住宿.

无障碍服务办公室做出的决定可能不适用于其他机构,也不适用于GRE等高风险考试, FE, 称MCAT, 等.




请致电315-268-7643与无障碍服务办公室联系,询问有关临时残疾的问题或疑虑 oas@umlstudy.net, and we will discuss resources and assistance that can be provided by Clarkson during this difficult time.


需要学术住宿以确保平等受教育机会的残疾学生可以通过无障碍服务办公室申请住宿. Students may request such accommodations through Accommodations on their myCU account. In addition to the documentation guidelines described above, 学生可以提交他们的高中IEP或504计划,或让他们的健康提供者填写并提交以下表格. For more information about academic accommodations, please click here.



有残疾和/或医疗状况的学生需要特定类型的住房以确保平等的受教育机会,可以通过无障碍服务办公室申请住宿. Due to the variety of offerings through University housing, nearly all disabilities and medical conditions can be accommodated through University housing. 大学重视学习与他人一起生活的重要性,以及校园生活带来的社区体验. As such, only in the rarest of circumstances would a student be released from University housing. esball国际平台客户端截止日期和住宿申请过程的具体细节可以在下面的表格中找到.



餐饮服务 meets most student dietary restrictions through their regular dining operation. Learn about options for individuals with food allergies or intolerance on the 餐饮服务 网站. 需要独特或个性化餐饮以确保平等接受教育的残疾学生可以通过无障碍服务办公室申请住宿. For dietary accommodations that can be accommodated through 餐饮服务, 比如过敏原, 铁缺乏, 糖尿病, 等., students should contact the Office of 可及性服务 to discuss accommodation options. 饮食调节要求一个人是一个很好的自我倡导者,并在食用前询问有关食物和食物准备的问题. 当残疾或健康状况非常严重,以至于餐饮服务部门无法安全合理地照顾学生的残疾或健康状况时, the necessary accommodation is likely to impact the student's housing to ensure access to a kitchen. In this situation, the request would be handled through the form below.



有残疾和/或医疗状况的学生需要情感支持动物来确保平等的受教育机会,可以通过无障碍服务办公室申请住宿. Specific details regarding the accommodation request process can be found on the form below.

情感支持动物住宿 Request Form

We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all who attend here, 在这里工作,在这里参观. esball国际平台客户端鼓励有饮食限制的客人在到达之前与餐饮服务部门联系,以传达任何饮食要求. 大学的客人不需要医疗文件或无障碍服务办公室的批准. Arrangements may be made with 餐饮服务 without the disclosure of private medical information. 我们鼓励客人说明由于医疗原因需要饮食(不作进一步解释)。. 参观 餐饮服务 浏览更多信息. 餐饮服务 may be contacted at 315-268-3816.


The Office of 可及性服务 is constantly looking for student workers. 学生必须符合勤工俭学资格. 你可以回顾一下 工作描述 for both the proctor position and office assistant positions or view the application. Once you finish the application, someone from OAS will contact you about the next steps.


Learn More esball国际平台客户端 Accommodations and Accessibility at Clarkson

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